The Power of Listening: Seven Reasons Why It's Vital for Parents Talking to Young Adults
Jane Victoria Hide

Hi there, fellow parents! Let's talk about something we might be guilty of neglecting: listening. Yup, that's right, that little thing where you actually pay attention to what your young adult has to say. Crazy, huh? But trust me, it's more important than you might think. I know I’m guilty of it. I’m a helper. Helpers give suggestions, recommendations, advice, we just can’t help it. It’s what we do.
So, if you’re a helper like me, buckle up and let's dive into why listening should be your new superpower when chatting with your teenager or young adult. Helpers need to help by listening.
1. Building Trust
You want your kids to confide in you, right? Well, that starts with being a good listener. When you give them your full attention, they're more likely to open up and share their thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we all just want to speak and be heard. We want to vent/rant and we don't want any comeback. You should get into the habit of asking your child, “Do you want me to help fix this or are you just telling me?”
2. Validating Their Feelings
Your kids are navigating a whirlwind of emotions, and sometimes they just need someone to listen, not fix. By validating their feelings, you are showing them that their emotions matter and are valid. You could reaffirm their feelings by saying, “I understand why you feel like that."
3. Fostering Independence
Listening doesn't mean solving all their problems. Instead, it empowers them to find their own solutions and become more independent thinkers. You could reframe your advice by saying something like, “I remember when your friends fell out. What you did in that situation was really great”.
4. Understanding Their Perspective
Let's face it, the generation gap is real. But by listening actively, you bridge that gap and gain insight into your young adult's world. Acknowledge that times are different. By Acknowledging what our children are saying to us we are validating them, making it known that we respect them.
5. Boosting Self-Esteem
When you listen attentively, you show your kids that their voice matters. This boosts their self-esteem and confidence, setting them up for success in life. Get into the habit of repeating back to your child what they have said to you, showing them that you are listening.
6. Resolving Conflicts
Listening isn't just about nodding along; it's about truly understanding where the other person is coming from. By listening empathetically, you can resolve conflicts more effectively and strengthen your relationship. Put down any distractions when you are talking with your child and give them your full attention.
7. Setting a Positive Example
Remember, your kids are always watching. By modelling good listening skills when you are talking to others, you not only teach them how to communicate effectively but also show them the value of respect and empathy in relationships.
So, there you have it parents! Seven rock-solid reasons why listening is the secret sauce to parent-teenager communication. It's time to put those listening ears to good use and watch your relationship with your young adult blossom. Happy listening! 🎧🌟
Check out this BLOG POST for Tips for Parents to Stay Connected with their Young Adults.
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