What can I Look Forward to as an Empty Nester?
Jane Victoria Hide

Empty nesters engage in a wide range of activities and pursue various paths based on their individual interests, goals, and circumstances. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, here are some common things that many empty nesters tend to do.
Let’s dive in and discover what awaits empty nesters shall we?
Rediscover Personal Hobbies and Interests:
With more free time available, empty nesters often revisit or explore new hobbies and interests that they may have put aside during their parenting years. This could include activities like painting, gardening, playing an instrument, cooking, or engaging in sports. If you need to discover some hobbies, try our guide.
Focus on Self-Care and Well-being:
Empty nesters may prioritise their own physical and mental health. They might establish regular exercise routines, engage in meditation or yoga, pursue healthier eating habits, and dedicate time for relaxation and self-reflection.
Travel and Adventure:
Many empty nesters take advantage of their newfound freedom by traveling and exploring new destinations. They may embark on solo adventures, plan trips with their spouse or friends, or even consider joining travel groups specifically catered to their age group. Read this BLOG POST to find some budget travel ideas.
Professional or Educational Pursuits:
Some empty nesters may choose to pursue professional goals they had set aside while raising their children. They may take up new job opportunities, start an on-line business, or enroll in courses or degree programs to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Volunteer and Community Engagement:
Empty nesters often find fulfilment in giving back to their communities. They may volunteer their time and expertise for causes they are passionate about, join community organisations, or participate in school mentoring programs.
Focus on Relationships:
With their children out of the house, empty nesters may prioritise nurturing their relationship with their spouse or partner. They may plan date nights, explore new activities together, or embark on shared interests and adventures. Take a look at this BLOG POST for ideas.
Connect with Other Empty Nesters:
Empty nesters may seek out and connect with other individuals who are going through a similar life transition. They can form social groups, join clubs or organisations, or participate in support groups where they can share experiences and build new friendships.
Pursue Personal Growth and Learning:
Many empty nesters use this phase of life as an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. They may attend workshops, seminars, or take up new courses to expand their knowledge or develop new skills.
Downsizing or Lifestyle Changes:
Some empty nesters may choose to downsize their living arrangements, such as moving into a smaller home or considering alternative housing options that better suit their needs and lifestyle.
Maintain Connections with Adult Children:
While giving their adult children space to grow independently, empty nesters often find ways to stay connected and maintain strong relationships with their children. This may involve regular communication, visits, family gatherings, or supporting them in their endeavours. Find some ideas in this BLOG POST.
Remember, the choices and activities pursued by empty nesters are highly individualised and can vary based on personal preferences, financial considerations, health, and other factors. It's important for each empty nester to explore their own desires and passions, finding fulfilment and purpose in this new chapter of their lives. Remember to be intentional with your actions.
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